Search results for: Riedmeier
Navigating the luxury route towards happiness: From a Hollywood to a purpose perspective
From egocentricity to eudaimonia - How the evolutionary stages of luxury influence one's own level of happiness and the ego By Neo-Luxury Expert Dr. Julia Riedmeier
Purposeful Luxury - Lifestyle in times of the corona pandemic
The time of opulent luxury is over. Today luxury is more inclusive, more conscious and more positive. Welcome to the world of purposeful luxury by expert Julia Riedmeier "Neo Luxury"
Awaycation vs. Staycation - vacation in times of coronavirus
The world wants to move again. But what will tourism look like in the future? This is shown by the three travel dimensions Awaycation, Staycation and digital Wandering By Expert Julia Riedmeier "Neo Luxury"
Cocooning 3.0 - When the inside becomes the new outside
In the reinforced home office, borders between private and public are blurring. The learned separation of living spaces dissolves. What effects does this have on rooms and furniture and how long does the cocooning wave last? By expert Julia Riedmeier "Neo Luxury"
Luxury landscape in times of the COVID-XNUMX pandemic - The Next Normal
What is the next normal in the luxury landscape during and after the Corona crisis and how are the trends changing? A big bang for the benefit of agile, digital, sustainable and social business models By expert Julia Riedmeier "Neo Luxury"
NEO Luxury 2025 - trend study announces the new era of the luxury industry
The study of the Luxury Business Report shows how luxury and sustainability go together in the future