News: GREENSTYLE Fashion Summit in digital format

The promising topic of sustainable fashion will be brought to the digital stage under the motto “Act now - now even more”

Greenstyle event
© Anja Wechsler

Author: House of Eden

  • GREENSTYLE (Responsible) Fashion Summit in April on the occasion of the Fashion Revolution Month
  • Covid-19 as an accelerator for a sustainable transformation of the fashion industry
  • Topics around a positive #PostPandemicFuture with a multifaceted speaker portfolio

The Covid-19 pandemic acted like an accelerator in terms of sustainability for the fashion industry and has turned the topic from a niche to a current topic. Many grievances, such as the dependency on international supply chains, were uncovered.

In order to lead positive developments of the past year into a #PostPandemicFuture, international and national speakers will introduce impulses and ideas for action around sustainable fashion on the digital stage during the GREENSTYLE (Responsible) Fashion Summit on April 8th and 9th, 2021. The goal is to inspire, move and change through education.

Program - alternative consumption models, change, revolution

Throughout the two days topics and impulses will lead towards a new kind of fashion and consumption. Alternative consumption models such as second hand or smart concepts like lend and capsule wardrobes are also on the agenda, as are insights into production in Bangladesh, transparent supply chains and innovative business concepts. The program at a glance:

  • Alternative consumption models: second hand shopping, renting, exchange concepts
  • Circular approaches: zero waste, recycling and upcycling as well as the valuable resource "trash"
  • Innovative approaches: smart collaborations and materials
  • Zeitgeist topics: diversity, genderless design, postpandemic future, Gen social
  • Activism for Everybody: fashion revolution, how to 5 minute activism

Speaker - impulses, visions and solution strategies

The voice for sustainable fashion is formed by the varied speaker portfolio. Because fashion has many facets and change only works if it comes from all directions. Among the 35 speakers are thought leaders, visionaries, power women and game changers from the fashion industry. As well as speakers from the fields of media, politics, science, business and NGOs. Together we will talk about approaches, visions and solution strategies on how to make the fashion world more sustainable. Including, for example, Prof. Kurt Kotrschal, the BMZ, Tchibo, OEKO-TEX, Messe Frankfurt, founder of the cult brand Phyne and many more.

Follow this link to register for the event on April 8th and 9th, 2021. Further information and the program can be found here



Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.

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