All the highlights and trend-setting trends of the VOGUE NEXT conference on ecologically and socially sustainable development

Source & Copyright by Stefan Bösl / VOGUE NEXT presented by Audi
Author: Mai-Lea
Sustainability, diversity, social media and digitization determine our future, so the summary of Vogue Next. The conference went into the next round on October 13 and once again created a platform for a future-oriented lifestyle. Trailblazers and industry experts spent a day discussing the trend-setting developments in fashion and the lifestyle sector. New: In addition to ecological sustainability, social sustainability was also discussed. The panel talks covered topics ranging from responsible sourcing and climate protection to diversity and Inclusion in the working world.
Vogue Next opened up new perspectives on dealing with plastic
At the beginning of the panel it was about environmental and resource protection. And thus, of course, the Plastic Pain. Mea Hoffmann, curator for the Vitra Museum, pointed out that the progenitors of plastic were natural materials, opening up a new perspective on plastic. In general, plastic should not be demonized per se. Much more important: Responsible and conscious handling of the material. Clemens Feigl, CEO and co-founder of everwave, also appealed to consumers. Since the market is oriented towards them, a drop in demand can lead to a complete conversion.
Incidentally, plastic often performs even better in the environmental balance sheet than alternative materials such as glass or paper. Pioneering startups like Waste reduction create more and more attention to the topic and develop approaches to promote plastic neutrality.
Buzz topic responsible sourcing
Another discussion revolved around one of the most relevant topics of sustainable fashion: responsible sourcing. Julia Zirpel, founder of the wearness, Aurelia Figueroa, Global Head of Sustainability at Breitling and Krishna Manda, Vice President of Corporate Sustainability at the Lenzing Group, spoke about responsibility along the entire product value chain. It is not only about ecological factors, but also about social responsibility. Fair wages, safe working conditions and, ideally, a personal relationship with suppliers. A particularly powerful message: transparency in supply chains and sustainability in resources should redefine the status of a product.
Source & Copyright by Stefan Bösl / VOGUE NEXT presented by Audi
Being fit for the future means taking responsibility
In a talk with jewelry designer Saskia Diez and Denijela Pilic, Global Head of Sustainability at Louis Vuitton, the model and activist judged Arizona Muse address the audience directly. Her message: with financial prosperity comes social responsibility. To date, sustainable products are simply more expensive, so unfortunately many people are not able to finance them. The motor for sustainable development is therefore the financially better off: With their demand, they can put pressure on the supply and thus also on the market.
And the world of work must also take responsibility. Political scientist Hadija Haruna-Oelker, entrepreneur Sara Naggar and Yousef Hammoudah, author and director of Fotografiska Berlin, pointed out that companies need to position themselves more holistically. So far will Diversity in the world of work only treated communicatively. However, what we need is action: uncompromisingly inclusive structures and a willingness to learn instead of outdated pigeonholing.
Vogue Next appeals to the conscious use of social media
The conference also opened up different perspectives on social media. The Good and the Ugly. Tik-Tok star Jacob Rott addressed hate speech on the Internet and made a clear statement against cyber bullying. Inappropriate statements have no place in either the analogue or the digital world. In both spheres, they have a serious impact on mental health. No wonder initiatives like HateAid are becoming more and more relevant.
However, it was also about the positive sides of social media. They create access, democratize traditionally exclusive networks and give people a voice that can have a global impact. Journalist and human rights activist Düzen Tekkal talked about her organization Há A platform that uses Instagram and Twitter to publicize the protests in Iran. Digital empowerment!
Digital fashion versus fast fashion
Another potential of digital: fast fashion fight. Since Gen Z in particular consumes fast fashion to serve short-lived trends and to share on social media, physical clothing is actually not required. So it may be that digital and analog fashion will complement each other in the future. However, sustainable technologies for the production of digital fashion must be developed in order to avoid an unwanted backlash.
What's next?
The fact that topics such as sustainability and inclusion are given such a big stage as Vogue Next is a relevant development. A development that is necessary to shape a positive future. It is all the more important that established and high-reach players such as Vogue raise awareness of sustainable development.
If you want to discover more and watch the panels in video format, you can visit the digital world of the conference until November 11th.
Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.
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