Climate-related risks depend on the speed of future warming. According to the IPCC, an increase to 2,0 degrees leads to significant changes

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Human activities so far have a global warming of 1,0 degrees, compared to the level before the start of
, caused. If this trend continues, global warming could reach 2030 degrees in 1,5. An increase to 2,0 degrees could be devastating. This makes a more important
sustainable lifestyle
and the conscious use of natural resources.
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The consequences of climate change
The consequences of global warming for natural and human systems are clearly observable. Many land and marine ecosystems have changed due to global warming. Heat extremes, heavy precipitation and drought are the noticeable consequences. In coastal areas there is also a threat of salinisation and flooding. Individual islands even threaten to lose their existence.
Developing countries are particularly hard hit, as extreme weather conditions there lead to increased poverty. Aid funds are often not enough for dismantling and reconstruction. But the industrialized countries have also felt the effects of the climate-related weather extremes. Snow storms, heat extremes or forest fires are no longer isolated cases. If one compares the values with previous decades, the extent becomes clearly visible.
Climate researcher Andres Levermann assumes that coastal cities such as Hamburg, Venice, Tokyo, Shanghai and New York are now also specifically threatened if the tipping points exceed their limit values.
Tipping points are points in the climate system that cause irreversible changes in nature due to minor external influences, e.g. increased warming. A domino effect can then lead to an acceleration of climate change. Examples of this are the melting of ice in the Arctic or deforestation of the rainforest.
Which countries and areas cause CO2 emissions?
An increase in global warming to 2,0 degrees would have far-reaching consequences. In particular, rising sea levels and melting glaciers would expose humans and the environment to dangerous climate change. Limiting global warming to 1,5 degrees requires rapid changes in all areas of society, said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
in his
"Special report on limiting global warming to 1,5 degrees".
The table from the IPCC's sixth report on climate change from 2021 shows the assessments of future global warming.
It is about a drastic reduction in emissions in the areas of energy, industry, buildings, transport in cities and in the countryside. Because these make up the majority of greenhouse gases. We emitted around 2019 billion tons of greenhouse gases worldwide in 41. Of this, 50% through electricity and heat generation, 20% through transport and 20% through industrial production.
Almost 70% of the greenhouse gases are caused by six nations alone, including Germany. Even if Germany has managed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in recent years, countries like China, the USA and India do not follow suit.
Climate neutrality up to 2050
In order to limit global warming to 1,5 degrees, emissions would have to be reduced by 2030 percent by 2010 compared to 45 - and by 2050 at the latest, carbon dioxide emissions must be climate-neutral, according to the IPCC.
This can be achieved, for example, through the use of renewable energies or the afforestation of forests. According to Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Weather Organization, the technical means are given that ambition is lacking.
The following graphic from the BP Energy Outlook clearly shows the causes of the greenhouse gases. Energy consumption, growing population and prosperity lead under the current conditions to further increasing carbon dioxide values up to the year 2040.
A reduction of 40% or more can primarily be achieved by reducing CO2 consumption and increasing efficiency in the industrial and transport sectors. Mainly through the use of renewable energies and low-carbon production and infrastructure. The following graphic shows the increase in renewable energies, but this is not enough for a U-turn.
Consumption of renewable energies by region in exajoules
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2021
Politics, people and business are equally in demand
The impacts and reactions of climate change are closely linked to sustainable development, which balances social well-being, economic prosperity and environmental protection. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (
2030 Agenda
, United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs
) provide a recognized framework for assessing the linkages including poverty eradication, inequality reduction and climate action.
But every single person is also in demand and can help to slow down climate change. In everyday life alone, there are countless ways to start with little things to save our planet. Please read our
with the 5 Ultimate Tips for Climate Protection.
Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.
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