Show some colours and set an accents - Here are the best manufacturers for eco-friendly and non-toxic colours with a design factor

Source & Copyright by Caparol Icons - No. 83 Queen Green
Author: Sarah Marie Lau
With new paint colours, a beautiful change can be realised and fresh vibes can be brought into your home quickly. Pantone chose Illuminating and Ultimate Gray as the colours of the year 2021. But, to ensure that your home remains healthy and non-toxic, we have examined the 5 best brands for eco-friendly colours and explain what to watch our for for when choosing paint colours.
What are eco-friendly colours?
The primary aim of sustainable colour design is that the colours have been developed in a way that they do not contain or set free any toxic or harmful substances. These toxic vapours are mostly preservatives and solvents, which evaporate as volatile organic compound (VOC) during drying and painting and can thus get into the surrounding atmosphere and breathed in.
Many brands therefore rely on natural resources for non-toxic paint colours and have developed formulations that contain little or no VOCs. But low-emission production, recyclable containers and social responsibility also contribute to the ecological foot print of sustainable colours.
7 to go for eco-friendly colours
- Non-toxic and therefore healthier
- Nice tones and colours
- High-quality pigments, so fewer paint applications are necessary
- Sustainable and natural ingredients
- High quality ingredients
- Well suited for allergy sufferers and children
- A pleasant room climate
When buying paint colours, this is what to watch our for
- Pay attention to greenwashing and check the eco credentials: Some manufacturers use their own seals and designations that have little to do with sustainability.
- Clean brushes according to instructions and dispose paint residues safely: Some paints have great ingredients such as natural oils, which unfortunately require strong solvents that should not be disposed into wastewater.
- Check the formulation for harmful preservatives and solvents: Even if the tones are made on a water basis, they are not necessarily environmentally friendly colors
5 best brands for eco-friendly paint colours:
1. Caparol icons
Environmentally-friendly, non-toxic and made in Germany. The young brand called Caparol Icons relies on solvent-free, water-based and odourless paint colours with charming names such as Disco Ball, Red Carpet or Surf's up. The noble pigments are twice as concentrated compared to conventional paint colours and therefore have a particularly colour depth. The recipe is also sustainably produced in accordance with strict environmental guidelines and, according to the company's own statements, is also suitable for children's toys.
2. Farrow & Ball
Farrow & Ball paint colours are so popular that they have their own hashtags. The colours have few VOCs, which ensures a good atmosphere without toxic fumes. The procurement of raw materials, recycling of the paint cans and paint residues are also sustainable. The cheerful colours are in accordance with FSC standard and on top child- and animal-friendly.
3. Little Greene
The British manufacturer named Little Greene not only pay great attention to sustainability, but also places great value on social responsibility. The purchase of each paint can promotes an ambitious colour research project to reformulate traditional colours. Little Greene is one of the few eco-friendly paint colour brands that also has a large selection for exterior paints.
Earthborn has the first official EU Ecolabel for interior paints and finishes. As the name indicates, Earthborn has a particularly large selection of earthy tones. Most of Earthborn's colour paints are vegan, meaning that they are not tested on animals and, thanks to the creamy texture, fewer paint applications are required. The “Safety of Toys Standard” award also proves that the paint colour is suitable for children's rooms, children's furniture and toys.
5.Edward Bulmer
Edward Bulmer is one of the pioneers of eco-friendly colours and environmentally friendly interior design. Edward Bulmer's paints are basically plastic-free, which makes them particularly breathable and suitable for undercoat. By this way, wood and walls can be protected from mould and the room atmosphere can be improved. These properties also explain why Edward Bulmer paint colours are particularly suitable for historic buildings with monument protection. Edward Bulmer relies on natural plant-based resources, high-quality soils and valuable minerals.
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