Norman Foster launches UN declaration for sustainable & integrative architecture

In the run-up to COP 27, architect Norman Foster presented the San Marino Sustainability Statement

Norman Foster
Source & Copyright by Foster+Partners

Author: Mai-Lea

  • Norman Foster presents principles for sustainable architecture at meeting of the Economic Commission of Europe
  • Urban planning of the future should promote an inclusive space of mutual respect and inclusion
  • Architecture should protect resources and be able to react to the effects of climate change

Norman Foster ushers in a new era of architecture and urban planning

At the 83rd UNECE Conference, Norman Foster, founder and CEO of Foster+Partners and President of the Norman Foster Foundation, launched the San Marino Declaration. It is a UN-approved declaration that includes principles for sustainable and inclusive urban planning and architecture to promote the broader vision of sustainable development. It obliges every city to plan urban infrastructure and buildings in accordance with the integrated principles.

Goal #1: Inclusion, Diversity & Respect

A clear goal of the declaration is to prioritize the residents. Every household - including special needs - is considered to promote diversity and equality. This project is to be guaranteed, among other things, by making access to living spaces open and affordable. At the same time, the principles aim to establish respect between different cultures: Discrimination and corruption should no longer have a place in urban areas. Ultimately, a sense of social responsibility should be established - proximity to the people is the motto.

Goal #2: Resource & climate protection

Another focus of the principles declared by Norman Foster is respect for nature. So they force the efficient use of resources to protect them. And environmentally friendly use of energy is also on the agenda - among other things, recycling should be part of the status quo. These commitments, in combination with low-emission energy generation and transport systems, should lead to climate neutrality in the long term.

Goal #3: Security

In addition, the residents of urban spaces should feel safe. To this end, the principles of the declaration define internationally recognized quality standards for architectural planning. They also include standards for adaptable spaces that can respond to potential crises such as natural disasters. Security is therefore guaranteed in various dimensions.

Keeping the Conversation Going: Norman Foster calls for continued engagement

Last but not least, the San Marino Declaration calls for long-term commitment. The various interest groups should be in a permanent exchange with the citizens and continue the discourse in order to continuously optimize the infrastructure. With regard to sustainable and social aspects. The cities of the future should be safe places for both communities and the environment.


Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.

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