What comes after the big day? Sustainability, sharing and appreciation - nuovosì studio muc. gives bridal fashion a '"Second Shine"
Interview with Sinah Steinhart, founder of nuovosì studio muc.

Source & Copyright by Manuel Emme / nuovosì studio muc.
Source and Copyright by Nuovosi Studio Muc.
Author: House of Eden
Overproduction and consumption, along with a naïve throwaway mentality, continue to pose major challenges for the fashion industry. However, there are solutions that are becoming more and more scaled: second-life models, also known as second-hand or preloved. So it's about reselling what you've worn instead of throwing it away or leaving it in your closet. This saves resources and energy consumption, minimizes your own CO2 footprint and makes a valuable contribution to the transition to a sustainable one circular economy. And despite all these advantages, these models do not yet permeate all areas of fashion - right at the forefront: bridal fashion.
It's understandable that a bride would want to wear something special on her big day. However, the mindset about what “special” actually means should change. Something new? Or maybe something that tells a story, is full of appreciation and corresponds to contemporary values of fairness and sustainability? Your Choice - but actually quite clear. new studio muc. With her bridal shop for second-life bridal fashion, founder Sinah Steinhart has created a place that takes up exactly this idea. In the interview, she reveals what sets her innovative business model apart and how much joy a sustainable approach can create.
Source & Copyright by Manuel Emme / nuovosì studio muc.
"For me, sustainability in fashion clearly means not only making a conscious decision to make a purchase as a consumer, but also subsequently taking responsibility for the lifespan of the garment."
1. What inspired you to start nuovosì studio muc. to found?
A friend who sold her wedding dress gave me the idea. I was immediately excited to give these beautiful dresses a second chance. Or, as I call it: their SECOND SHINE. They are simply too beautiful to just hang in your garment bag after the wedding. When everything got too much at my old job and I went straight to a Burn out towards - or I was already in it for a long time - I began to deal more and more with this idea and to research it. I quickly realized that there was no second-hand bridal shop that appealed to me. Not one that radiates modernity and exclusivity and offers a feel-good atmosphere. So I decided without further ado to do this myself.
An important part of this mission is the realization that something has been missing out on me in recent years: appreciation. Appreciation for me as a person and for my work. That's why this term covers all areas of my studio today. It's about the appreciation for the beautiful dresses, for the people who made them with great attention to detail, for the brides who bring their dream dress to me and want to know who can wear it a second time and for my brides- to be. I meet them in a slightly feel-good atmosphere and tell them: "It's your day, you're the center of attention! And yes, you can dare to do something with your dress!". Just like I dared with my new "baby". So my advice to everyone out there: be brave, just do it!
2. How does your business model work?
My business model is based on two different sourcing models. On the one hand, I buy dresses privately, i.e. from brides who want to sell their worn, but sometimes unworn wedding dress. On the other hand, I have cooperations with designers and small bridal fashion shops from Germany. They provide me with exhibits, sample dresses, press samples or similar pieces that are often not used multiple times. There may also be special one-offs among them. When it comes to sourcing, however, it is also generally very important to me that the clothes are of high quality. That's why I also have a lot of silk dresses in my range. Since wedding dresses need both sophisticated craftsmanship and exclusive materials, the new price should be at least €1.500 - at least for me.
Source & Copyright by Manuel Emme / nuovosì studio muc.
With this model I am addressing a total of three different target groups. 1) Brides looking to sell their dress, 2) designers & bridal shops needing space for new merchandise or designs and 3) brides looking for a dress.
3. Which problem of the fashion industry does nuovosì studio muc. in contrast to?
Every outfit from nuovosì studio muc. extends the life of an existing dress. But that's not all: women can acquire something meaningful and unique with a story. Which promotes the appreciation and thus also care and longevity of clothes. At the same time, they prevent wasteful consumption, save environmental resources and thus make their own contribution to sustainability.
For me, sustainability in fashion clearly means not only making a conscious decision to make a purchase as a consumer, but also subsequently taking responsibility for the lifespan of the garment. I offer a solution for both pillars of this green thought: Both the brides who sell clothes and those who buy clothes make a conscious choice in line with environmental protection.
4. Why is second life so important today, especially in relation to event-related fashion?
Event-Related Models are only worn a few times - a wedding dress only once per woman. This means that they are produced in the conventional sense for a single occasion - including environmental impact. If these are extrapolated, their one-time use bears no comparison to the consequences of their production. Then there is the disposal - will the clothes stay in the closet forever or will they not be disposed of properly? And yet overproduction is not only an issue in fast fashion, but also in event-related fashion.
Source & Copyright by Manuel Emme / nuovosì studio muc.
This is exactly where Second Life or Preloved models for event and bridal fashion come in. Since such styles are usually handled more carefully than everyday clothing and are worn less, the wear and tear is much lower. In addition, they are usually not thrown into the in-house washing machine, but professionally cleaned. Which is why they are ideal for resale. In this way, the environment can be protected, the CO2 footprint minimized and money saved.
5. What trends are you observing and what can we expect from you in the future?
I see an absolute trend towards Preloved model. My brides don't care if a dress has been worn before. As long as the condition and cleanliness of the dress are right, they are primarily looking for a special dress. On the contrary: Many explicitly want a worn dress because they want to continue writing its story. Statements like this always touch me. There is also a huge change in attitude here. Women are no longer jealous of each other, but appreciate sharing moments. My brides who sell are over the moon when their dress gets its second shine and makes another woman happy on her special day. Sometimes they desperately want to be in contact with the new bride, to wish her the very best and to be happy with her.
What can you expect from me in the future? Many more happy brides! And great, unique bridal accessories.
Thank you for the interview, dear Sinah!
Always informed about the latest lifestyle trends, architecture, design & interior, as well as current technologies around sustainability.
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