Upcycling furniture ideas from top designers who combine reuse and aesthetics

Source & Copyright by Object Our Days
Author: Mona Kühlewind
The term Upcycling describes a form of recycling that removes old and apparently unusable objects from their shadow in order to put them in a new light. Items that are actually called waste product apply, are upgraded again and get a new, unique shine.
So more and more are created Upcycling Furniture ideas: The wine bottle from the evening before can be converted into a candlestick, while Euro pallets can give the balcony a stylish upgrade as seating.
Upcycling can be design and design can be upcycling
But Upcycling can be much more than a home improvement project. Many well-known international designers show how upcycling can create unique aesthetics. Things which have been declared as waste, become new and innovative design objects - and often with a totally new functionality.
Related topics: Recycling and Upcycling - how it's done and what you can do to support
Upcycling furniture ideas
Today it is more important than ever to reduce waste. Because: The world generates 220 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with at least XNUMX percent of that —extremely conservatively— not managed in an environmentally safe manner, the World Bank says. This has been noted by many designers, who drive positive change through aesthetic upcycling projects.
Here are our favourite designers, who have established innovative upcycling processes to create their interior furniture products. Get inspired by these top creative upcycling ideas.
- X chair
- WYE design
- Bell chair
- ecoBirdy
- Frisoli design
Top designer for upcycling furniture
1. X-Chair - contemporary design for a new generation
The X chair is a radical design by Hermann August Weizenegger for the collection of OUT (Objekt Unserer Tage). A designer chair that sets new standards in terms of sustainable design. Entirely made from recycled materials, produced locally in Berlin and with a return program, which support the circular production cycle. Brutal Berlin with a contemporary touch for a self-determined generation.
According to the designer Hermann August Weizenegger, chairs have a high cultural value in society and are therefore a good transporter to serve as a symbol for sustainable and regional production.
2. WYE Design - minimalistic statement pieces
Upcycling materials tell an exciting story of their origin, they can be exclusive and high quality. The furniture startup WYE design designs minimalist statement pieces, that are precisely characterized by sustinable values. They combine ecological standards with design and quality.
WYE uses its own innovative wood-based material, which is a waste product from the wood industry. The WYE principle: waste becomes puristic furniture in fresh colors, which enables upcycling become art.
3. Bell Chair - chairs made from industrial waste
Konstantin Grcic, designer of the Bell chair from the Italian designer house Magis. This modern designer chair is made of 100% polypropylene, which are recycled industrial plastic scraps from the Italian automotive industry. These innovative and stylish it-pieces do not only enhance the interior, but can also used as exterior garden design.
The production process further creates a sustainable economic cycle: Within this circular economy old is turned into new, in the context of design and aesthetics. This innovative design intends not only to have a positive impact on environment, but shall also lead to a long-term rethinking in society.
4. ecoBirdy - upcycling and fun children furniture design
Also ecoBirdy is revolutionizing the interior industry by means of creative upcycling furniture ideas. Ecobirdy creates designer furniture for children from old toys. These award winning interior pieces are marked by friendly colors, child-safe shapes as well as environmentally and health-friendly materials, which are 100% recycled and recyclable.
5. Frisoli Design - aerospace production waste
The Italian brand relies on a particularly innovative idea and exclusive upcycling design. Frisolihas set the goal of using, upgrading and ultimately processing production waste from the aerospace industry. This unique mixture of innovation and tradition creates impressive colors and shapes. Exciting designs with a great impression.
Upcycling furniture ideas as pioneers
These remarkable examples of upcycling furniture transform the design industry. With upcycled design objects that shine in their aesthetics and were once considered as waste. This proves that upcycling can be much more, than thought by many people.
Upcycling is even assigned a new level, far from the home workshop, towards the great designers all over the world, who create a new, sustainable understanding of design with their ideas and convince across the board.
Haute cycling
Incidentally, with the increasing popularity of upcycling, more and more individual streams of the megatrend are developing. Haute cycling has particular potential as favorites. Or to put it simply: luxurious, artistic and extravagant upcycling. The statement chandeliers by British artist Stuart Haygarth are an example of this. In typical Haygarth fashion, the design visionary transforms everyday objects into unmistakable design pieces. The mission in his words: "To give banal and overlooked objects a new meaning".
Source & Copyright by Stuart Haygarth
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